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Personal Data Protection
The visitor’s / user’s personal data administration and protection of the services of olivegardenvillas.gr complies to the terms of the present section as well as to the relevant provisions of Greek Law (L. 2472/1997) on individual’s protection on the personal data protection as it has been supplemented by the decrees of the President of the Personal Data Protection Committee, the Decree-laws 207/1998 and 79/2000 as well as article 8 of L. 2819/2000) and the European law (directives 95/46/EC and 97/66/EC). The present terms are formulated taking under consideration both the rapid technological progress, and especially of Internet, and the already existing – although not fully developed – network of regulations concerning these issues. Within this framework, any relevant regulation will fall into the scope of the present section.  In any case olivegardenvillas.gr reserves the right to change the personal data protection terms, after informing the visitors/ users and within the already existing or eventual legal framework. In case a visitor / user does not agree with the personal data protection terms provided for in the present section, should not use the services provided by olivegardenvillas.gr.


Orders via e-commerce
In order the visitor / user to make use of the e-commerce services of olivegardenvillas.gr the following information are required:
Full name – Company trade name – Address of natural entity – Seat of the company - PC – Telephone Number - E-mail - VAT – Tax Office –  City/ Town - Country – Credit Card data. The above mentioned information is necessary for the issuing of the relevant documents (tax) and is kept in the financial records of olivegardenvillas.gr. olivegardenvillas.gr can use the data referring to the type of the goods and services provided through  e-commerce, in order to record the consuming interests of the customers and to proceed to new offers, unless the visitor / user of these services has asked such offers not to be made. The information concerning the visitor’s / user’s consuming interests can never be communicated to third parties.

Credit Card Data
The usage of Credit Card by the visitor / user to pay for the goods/ services provided by olivegardenvillas.gr is charged only once for each individual exchange. The Credit Card data are not recorded and can not be used for any other reason.
olivegardenvillas.gr can use cookies to identify the visitor / user of specific services and sites provided by olivegardenvillas.gr (e.g. newsletters). Cookies are small text files stored on each visitor’s / user’s hard disk without taking cognizance of any document or file in that PC. They are used in order the visitor / user to have a facilitated access concerning the usage of specific services provided by olivegardenvillas.gr, for reasons of statistics in order the areas in which the services provided by olivegardenvillas.gr are useful or popular – or even for reasons of marketing – to be determined.
The visitor / user of olivegardenvillas.gr can adjust his/ her portal in such a way so as to be informed for such a usage.

Links to other sites
olivegardenvillas.gr includes links to other websites which are not controlled by it but by third parties (natural or legal entities). In no case olivegardenvillas.gr bears any liability concerning the Personal Data Protection Terms followed by the latter.
General Terms for the personal data protection
olivegardenvillas.gr safeguards the personal character of your data and can not transmit them to any third party (natural or legal entity) for any reason, except the relevant legal provisions and only to the competent authorities. olivegardenvillas.gr keeps records with the personal data sent by the visitor / user for reasons of communication, finance and taxation only.
The visitor / user can contact the competent department in order to check the existence of such a personal file, as well as its correction, amendment or deletion.
Any underage visitor / user of olivegardenvillas.gr have access to the services provided by olivegardenvillas.gr only after his/ her parents’ or guardians’ consent without any obligation to submit his/ her personal data. In case of submission of such data by underage, olivegardenvillas.gr deletes the relevant information.
olivegardenvillas.gr and more specifically the marketing department can partly or wholly process the data sent by you for reasons of statistics, finance and improvement of the services – information provided. 


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